Monday, April 5, 2010

Internship Reflections

The students are back now after 2 weeks of internships, and they all learned a lot about where they worked and lived. The other night everyone gave their presentations, and now we get to share all the experiences with you! In this special internship edition of the blog, the students have each written their own entries to give you an inside look at the last two weeks.

Heidi Doty - The Green Iguana Project

These past two weeks I have had the opportunity to work with a great project known as the Green Iguana Project. I worked with Iguanas ranging in age from around 10 months to 10 years. My weeks were filled with fun, adventure, anteaters and simply hanging out with iguanas. The Iguana Project is located at the San Ignacio Hotel about 15 minutes away from campus. They mainly want to educate the people of Belize about the Green Iguanas and their importance to the ecosystems as well as raise iguanas to release back into the wild. In Belize, the Green Iguana is considered a delicacy amongst locals and is also known as bamboo chicken. They will hunt the female iguanas when they are pregnant to eat their rich meat as well as their eggs. I have never tried it and after these two weeks, I do not think that I ever will. I fell in love with these magnificent creatures, especially a beautiful 2 year old female, known as Roxy. She enjoyed hanging out on my shoulder as well as occasionally my head. We were definitely quick friends. We not only hung out with iguanas, but we cleaned their enclosures everyday and prepared their food. Mr. Eddy Estrada taught us a lot and to the point that we were able to lead tours for visitors by ourselves, probably one of my favorite things about my internship. This blog is in memory of Moses, a wonderful baby iguana that passed while were working on the project. May he rest in peace under that banana tree.

Ivy Vinesce - The Green Iguana Project

From all corners they come, to hear the story of the Green Iguana. Indeed, the San Ignacio Resort Hotel sees visitors from Norway, Canada, Germany, The U.S., and many other countries around the globe coming and visiting the project. But the Project does not only draw from the pool of international ecotourism, it also brings school groups in so that the public may be educated as to the threats facing these Iguanas. As I worked with these amazing creatures, I gained not only an understanding of their life cycles and lifestyles, but I also forged a deeper connection as I familiarized myself with the Iguanas in the project, and felt appreciation for the species as a whole. However, I soon discovered that my favorite aspect of the internship was not that I was able to handle the Iguanas or care for their daily needs, but rather I most enjoyed my time spent sharing my concern and interest in the Iguanas with the people who came through, and then watching as their faces would light up when told they could hold the creatures and I knew they too came to see the importance of protecting this species.

Through the internship I gained an inside perspective on a wildlife conservation effort, and was also able to experience the feel of the job. These both showed a laid-back style, and despite the language barrier (which crumbled more everyday as I grew an ear for Creole and learned to better communicate in Spanish) the atmosphere was very warm and welcoming. I learned much through my work with the Project, and the Green Iguana will forever be close to my heart.

Courtney Holm - San Antonio Women's Group

I did my internship at San Antonio’s Women’s Group. I worked with different women in leadership positions for the group on how to do their work better. I worked with Sara on inventory. We counted and labeled all items for sale. I worked with Marleni on bookkeeping. We figured out how best to pay for bills and what was needed for record keeping. I worked with Josefa on how best to record items for sale. I worked with all of them on their specific job tasks so there was no overlapping and they each knew what was expected from everyone else. I also was able to teach the women how to use the spin wheel for ceramics. I was able to give them some helpful suggestions on how to make their pots even. I had a homestay with Timotea and her three daughters. She is the president of the Women’s Group. I was able to talk with her about her dreams and desires for the group and for herself. I was also able to see how her daughters were raised and their dreams for their futures. I learned so much on how Mayan women live day-to-day and their joy for their families.

Tamryn Fyvie - King's Children Home

My name is Tamryn Fyvie and my internship was at King’s Children Home in Belmopan. I spent everyday with about fifty Belizean children who had been abused, neglected, abandoned or orphaned. An amazing woman named Leonie Herrera-Gilham started the home in 1985 after being abused herself as a child. I worked there daily from 8-5, playing with the kids, home schooling, doing laundry and other tasks. At any given time I had five or so children clamoring around me, wanting me to read stories or sometimes just wanting to be held. This internship has changed the way I look at childcare and how I feel about the necessity of a healthy home. King’s is a truly incredible place that is difficult to put into words. The diversity of personality, race and background is astounding. The heights of character that these children have reached despite their circumstances are a testament to the power of Christ. I have come to love these children and I cannot explain to you how difficult it was to leave them. If you are interested in donating, volunteering or learning more about King’s Children Home please go to

Joelle Van Gaalen - Belize Botanical Gardens

What is the easiest way to kill an orchid? Too much water. Native orchids in Belize are tropical rainforest plants which grow on trees, and they die when their roots get too wet. I learned all about about orchid care at BBG, the Belize Botanical Gardens, through my work with the native orchid collection. My main task was to work to beautify and more orchids to the Orchid House. While working with orchids I learned about watering, repotting, and propagation techniques, and also made lots of baskets for the orchids

While working on various projects, the Belizean gardeners told me many stories and I learned a lot about their lives and families during the internship weeks. None of the guys working at the garden have a formal eduction past high school, and some never finished high school, yet they know a lot about native plants and also about the medicinal and historical Mayan uses for many native plants.

During the internship weeks I also had a host family. My host family had 10 kids, and they lived in a 4 room house, complete with an outhouse and bucket showers because there was no running water. They are a pretty typical Belizean family, and they treated me well as I tried to communicate with the family members who spoke mostly Spanish!

I love the internship as it gave me a chance to learn the names of many native plants, and learn about the culture of Belize through the gardeners and my host family.

Patty Lin - Belize Zoo

Visiting the Minnesota Zoo or Sea World in California have always made me love the idea of training and caring for animals. “Dolphin trainer” has been my “job that I’d love but will never pursue.” However, the past two weeks gave me a taste of zookeeping when I interned at the Belize Zoo. Each morning when I arrived I got to work preparing the food plates for the fruit eating birds. After feeding the birds, I’d go with one of the zookeepers (each have a different emphasis: birds, mammals, or jaguars and other big cats) to assist them in whatever cleaning they had to get done that day – lots of scrubbing and sweeping and changing of water. Then more cleaning and more feeding – but I’m not complaining; I loved getting in the cages with all these cool animals!

It was amazing being so up close and personal with the native animals of Belize. Some days I got to help with the “jaguar encounter” – where visitors were able to back scratch, belly scratch and feed Junior, the education jaguar of the zoo. Other days I hand fed scarlet macaws, harpy eagles, tapirs, and various other animals.

These types of close encounters definitely deepened my appreciation for and therefore desire to care for and preserve God’s good creation.

Katie Hoffsmith - Cornerstone Foundation

I’m Katie Hoffsmith and my past two weeks were spent interning at Cornerstone Foundation located in San Ignacio, Belize. Cornerstone is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that focuses on recognizing the specific needs facing the community. These needs mainly deal with women, children, youth and HIV/AIDS victims. Cornerstone has developed programs and projects that work specifically with these needs. Volunteers are brought in from all over the world to work with these programs. While interning at Cornerstone, I was able to observe and also assist the organization in different areas. A large amount of my time was spent painting the feeding area, where children would come in during lunch for a meal provided by Cornerstone. During lunch, I would prepare meals with the cook and then go on a food run around the community and distribute food to schools and elderly. I also started a small garden that will provide vegetables for the feeding program. It was exciting to be working with and observing a Belizean run non-profit organization. Through this experience, I was able to build relationships with both the staff and the volunteers. This experience has opened my eyes to a new culture and has definitely challenged me in many ways.

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